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Ways of Working

What are our Core Values?

  • Collaboration: Foster a culture of open communication and collective problem-solving.
  • Quality: Uphold high standards in our work, ensuring reliability and efficiency.
  • Innovation: Embrace new ideas and technologies that propel us and our platforms forward.
  • Transparency: Maintain clear visibility into our processes, decisions, and progress.

Team Roles

  • Team Members: Comprising a mix of developers, data, platform and software engineers, responsible for the delivery of tasks and active participation in all Agile ceremonies.
  • Product Manager (PM): Oversees the product backlog, ensuring it aligns with stakeholder needs and business objectives.
  • Delivery Manager (DM): Facilitates the Agile process, removing blockers and ensuring timelines are met.
  • Technical Architect (TA): Works with delivery teams to decide on technical requirements and improvements which align with wider practices.

Communication and Delivery

  • Daily Stand-ups: A quick sync to share updates, plans, and blockers.
  • Ceremonies: How we make sure our team stays aligned as we work to deliver during Agile Sprints.



This team uses 3 week Sprints This is our timeframe for planning, executing, and reviewing work.

The team has the following ceremonies:

Ceremony Occurence Day Time
Stand Up Daily Monday - Friday 10:00 - 10:15
Refinement Weekly Tuesday 11:00 - 12:00
Sprint Planning Every third week Thursday 10:00 - 11:00
Sprint Review Every third week Thursday 10:00 - 11:00
Sprint Retrospective Every third week Wednesday 10:00 - 11:00
Show & Tell Every third week Wednesday 15:00 - 15:30

Stand Up

Our stand-ups run daily at 10:00 and last for fifteen minutes. We use Slack Huddles and follow one of two formats:

  • Walk The Board

Starting with the “Done” column we discuss any active issues on our GitHub Project Board.

  • Yesterday, Today, Blocked

A round robin of each team member discussing their issues and any blockers.

Standup will be run by the Delivery Manager.

Backlog Management


Backlog Management is where we ensure our backlog is up to date and ready for refinement. It’s where we:

  • Prioritise stories - Give a clear picture of what the team is working on, and will be working on next
  • Remove stale stories - Keep the team focused on only relevant work
  • Remove irrelevant stories - Prevent the team’s focus from being split with work that’s not required


  • TBD in consultation with PM/DM.


  • A well prioritised backlog
  • A backlog that is ready for refinement and free of stale/irrelevant stories


  • Product Manager
  • Delivery Manager
  • Leadership Team



Refinement’s our time for the team to get an understanding and agreement of what we are working on in upcoming sprints. It’s where we ensure everyone has an understanding of the backlog items before they are added to a sprint.


Prior to engaging in a refinement session, here’s what can be prepared:

  • Backlog Familiarisation: Review the backlog to get a sense of what’s coming up, and what’s already been done. Read the tickets likely to come up for discussion, so you know what questions you want to ask
  • Backlog Items: Ensure any tickets are well fleshed out and ready for discussion. This should include a detailed description of the story, as well as acceptance criteria
  • Understand Dependencies: If your tickets rely on other work already being done, know which tickets are required and list them in the body of the issue. This helps us understand correct sequencing of tickets during refinement
  • Prepare to Communicate!: Be prepared to articulate why you think a ticket should be done, how big you think it is, and be receptive to teammates, and collaborate to achieve a shared understanding of the tasks at hand. Be open to suggestions on how your ticket could be improved for someone picking it up


  • Preparation: Before refinement, the Product Owner picks out the stories that need our attention
  • Discussion: Dive into the details of each story, hashing out the acceptance criteria, and spotting any dependencies or risks
  • Estimation: Estimate based on effort and risk using a poker-scoring system, allowing the team to have a clear sense of the size and scope of each ticket
  • Decomposition: Chop up any stories that are too big to handle in a sprint into smaller bits
  • Definition of Done (DoD): Ensure each story has a clear DoD to know exactly when it is crossed the finish line


  • Refined Backlog: Stories that are fleshed out, estimated, and ready for the Product Owner to prioritize
  • Scored Stories: Each story gets a score for a straightforward understanding of what we’re up against
  • Tickets Approachable: All tickets that go through refinement should have all the info required for any member of the team to pick up


Analytical Platform Team

Sprint Planning


Sprint Planning is where we figure out what work we want to commit to for the next sprint. It’s where we:

  • Discuss and align on the goals for the upcoming sprint
  • Select stories from the refined backlog, ensuring a shared understanding of scope and objectives
  • Define the sprint goal
  • Define the sprint backlog


  • Discussion: Discuss the stories in the refined backlog, ensuring a shared understanding of scope and objectives, including any work carried from last sprint
  • Highlighting: Highlight stories and spikes that are significant to delivery of the sprint goal
  • Capacity Estimation: Estimate the capacity of the team for the sprint, and assess whether the tickets brought in match that
  • Sprint Backlog: Select the stories that will be brought into the sprint, and assign them to team members where appropriate


  • Ensure everyone has stories that they feel they can work on
  • Ensure everyone has a shared understanding of the tasks to deliver this sprint


Analytical Platform Team

Sprint Review

  • Usually encorporated with Sprint Planning
  • A chance to discuss completed work to share knowledge within the team


Analytical Platform Team

Sprint Retrospective

We have our retros at the end of each sprint currently on Wednesdays. The retro format may be different for each sprint

  • Reflect on the sprint’s process, celebrating successes and identifying opportunities for improvement
  • Review the process, not the stories
  • Define how we could improve
  • Share kudos and feedback


Analytical Platform Team

Show and Tell

  • At the end of each sprint we have a thirty-minute show and tell showcase to share with our colleagues and the wider organisation our achievements during the sprint
  • The showcase normally consists of an introduction summing up the sprint and if we met our sprint goal followed by demonstration and then what’s next in the road map


All of Data Platform and wider audience

GitHub Practices

  • We utilise GitHub for managing code, documentation, and support, with GitHub Projects for tracking work and GitHub pull requests for reviewing and merging code
  • When working in our repos, please adhere to GitHub housekeeping guidelines when creating pull requests, ensuring clear titles and descriptions, linking to issues when applicable, and requesting reviews upon readiness

GitHub Housekeeping

  • When creating a pull request, ensure you have a clear title and description
  • If applicable, link your pull request to an issue with the special keywords such as closes, fixes or resolves GitHub documentation for linking pull requests to issues
  • If your pull request is not ready for review, convert it to a draft
  • When your pull request is ready for review, remove the draft status and ensure all checks are passing
  • When all checks are passing, use the /pull command in #analytical-platform to request a review


  • Each member of the team is included in the support rota
  • Support cover is for one day (09:00-17:00) as allocated by the rota
  • PagerDuty is used to manager our support rota
  • If you are unable to cover support please arrange cover and create an override within PagerDuty

Support Duties

  • Monitoring the Slack support channel
  • Actioning raised issues or seek support from team to do so
  • Run that days standup
  • Respond to PagerDuty alerts, support issues on GitHub, and review pull requests


In order to keep our users updated and the backlog tidy, when on support follow these best practices:

  • When a new issue is raised in GitHub remove the triage label, assign the issue to yourself, and unassign the robot account
  • Add the investigating label to indicate to the user that you are looking into the issue
  • Add the awaiting-response label if you reply to the user to ask a question or request further information
  • Add any further relevant labels related to the issue, as having these correct helps with our monitoring and understand of support
  • Close the issue in GitHub when it is resolved, documenting the steps you took to resolve it, and any further relevant information e.g. link to team discussions in slack. This will help future support leads find common solutions and related issues

Working hours

A member of the support team will be available online from 9:00 and until 17:00 (Monday-Friday). Any requests outside of these hours will be at the first available opportunity based on team capacity.


  • Development: Implement, test, and document stories, adhering to our Definition of Done
  • Integration: Collaborate with the other delivery team to ensure smooth integration and alignment on shared goals
  • Deployment: Follow our deployment checklist for a smooth transition from development to production

Continuous Improvement

  • Actively seek feedback from all team members and stakeholders
  • Review and update our Ways of Working as necessary to reflect our evolving process and learnings
  • Effective use of all our ceremonies especially retros
  • We will support each other and give constructive feedback
  • We avoid back to back meetings which can be very draining
  • We take note of issues in retro and action them promptly
This page was last reviewed on 18 July 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 18 October 2024 by the page owner #analytical-platform-notifications .
This page was set to be reviewed before 18 October 2024 by the page owner #analytical-platform-notifications. This might mean the content is out of date.