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Feature request process

This document will explain how we respond to feature requests that are created by our users and our team.

Requests to the team

Requests can come in a few different paths the most common are;

  • Analytical Platform user raises feature request
  • Discussion with user via email or Slack where our team will ask if they can raise a formal request or do so on their behalf if for example they do not have a GitHub account
  • Discussion with user via email or Slack where our team will ask if they can raise a formal request or do so on their behalf if for example they do not have a GitHub account
  • Team members can raise requests based on a support issue or engagement with users

Amigos reviews

The Amigos will review the feature-request labelled issues and establish if there is enough information. If not, the Product Manager or Team will contact the requestor and gather more information

Prioritisation of the Feature Request

  • Once the necessary information is captured, the Amigos prioritise the requests based on the following
  • Criticality of request to the users of the Analytical Platform performing their duties
  • Value the request will add to user experience of the platform
  • Timelines of the requests (when it needs to be done)

Feature Request brought into the sprint

  • Issue gets refined by the team
  • Once the requests are prioritised, the decision to bring that into the sprint is made
  • The agreed plan is to use the original feature request ticket to deal with the request. Stories may be created by the team to create a new ticket where the story would be defined, making sure there is a definition of done etc, with additional issues linked to the feature request


Amigos Team

  • Darren Rooke - Product Manager
  • Eki Osehenye - Delivery Manager
  • Jacob Hamblin-Pyke - Lead Data Engineer
  • Julia Lawrence - Lead DevOps Engineer
  • Richard Baguley - Principal Technical Architect
This page was last reviewed on 20 June 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 20 December 2024 by the page owner #analytical-platform-notifications .
This page was set to be reviewed before 20 December 2024 by the page owner #analytical-platform-notifications. This might mean the content is out of date.