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The Analytical Platform team offers a managed pipeline for building, scanning and pushing containers to a registry. This is done via GitHub Actions and is available to all teams. This is managed in Terraform.

Images are scanned for vulnerabilities using Trivy, currently with a default severity of CRITICAL

Dockerfiles are linted by the Super Linter with Hadolint

Creating a new container image repo

  1. To create a new container image repo, clone the data-platform-github-access repository.

  2. There are two files for creating repositories, one for Analytical Platform and another for Data Platform. See example below for creating an Analytical Platform container repo.

    "analytical-platform-<container-name>" = {
          name                = "analytical-platform-<container-name>"
          description         = "Analytical Platform <container-name>"
          use_template        = true
          template_repository = "analytical-platform-image-build-template"
          access = {
            admins = []
  3. As shown in example above, use the template_repository = "analytical-platform-image-build-template" argument. The template equips you with the default initial files for building a container used in Analytical Platform. The template repo can be viewed here.

  4. Update the Dockerfile, Makefile, container-structure-test.yml and any other files as required in your new container repo.

  5. There is no longer a requirement for config.json or files.

This page was last reviewed on 9 December 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 9 June 2025 by the page owner #analytical-platform-notifications .